
Would you like whipped creme with that?

Of course I do, why even bother to ask. Its my only pleasure in spending money at a coffee shop. If I'm going to get a grown-up drink (coffee or something like that, that is) of course I want whip cream so at least I can still feel like a kid and not a crazy Starbucks drinking Californian. But this blog isn't really about Starbucks. It's about whipped cream. More specifically, Cool-Whip. And a certain unnamed friend (see Blog below) and about half a dozen 13 year olds. I must say, if you've never had a cool-whip fight, or haven't had one for a while, you must try it. It's quiet amusing to see all this white poofy stuff go flying across the room and hit people smack in the face, even if it's you. It's even more amusing when you realize that it was probably the grown-ups that started it, but you can ask my friend about her fascination with throwing food (like whipped cream and green beans). What kind of role models are we?

I suppose it's only fair


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