
Things on my mind

Today I took a personal day. I slept in, skipped church, took a couple naps, nursed my sore shoulder, talked on the phone briefly and did absolutely nothing for the most part. I did feel bad for skipping church, but only until about 12:30, when church was probably over. Didn't even watch the Super Bowl really-only the last 4 minutes, which was mildly exciting.

In other news, I've been a big fan recently of the Garden State soundtrack. I'm especially fond of the song "Blue Eyes" by the Cary Brothers. Their website is worth checking out. It's got a lot of free downloadable songs. I think the soundtrack is better than the movie actually. I liked the movie, after the initial first 15 minutes or so. I think Natalie Portman (who by the way graduated from Harvard in 2003 apparently) totally made the movie, which was written and directed (and starred) Zach Braff of the "Scrubs" fame.

I'm almost finished with my training to be a CASA (court appointed special advocate for foster children). I'm actually considering going through a bit more training to work with kids in delinquency court and not just foster care. I'm actually pretty excited about it. We get sworn in on March 4th. Initially I was like, "oh well, it'll look good on my resume," and it will, but it's not my primary motivation anymore.

I'm part way through my last Vista month of year one. You'd think, it being my last month and all, it'd be a breeze-by, slacking-off kind of month, but no way! I think February will be my busiest month yet. I don't know that it has to do with the fact that I'm still going to be around, or it just happens to be that way. Either way, I'm actually excited. I actually spent some time the past couple months regretting my decision to do a second year. I was getting bored, frustrated, etc...but I'm really happy about it now (except for when I occasionally see ads for jobs I'd love to have and would stand a good chance at--but they say patiences is a virtue). So yeah, I'm actually very excited about this coming year and happy with my work for a vast variety of reasons, which makes me feel better about my commitment. It also makes me feel like my decision to do VISTA was a good one. I think I've had a better than average experience-my decision to stay at The Salvation Army a second year probably speaks to that. I don't why that it happens that I had a great experience verus some people's who is not so great or just good in general. I think it was a God thing. He knew exactly where I needed to be and made sure I got there. Also, I think it just helps working at a place where you feel a personal connection too. Not just the organization (which I think is great), but also the people, and I've really been blessed by some of the people I've met through working there and going to church there.

Anyway, enough of my soapbox (even if it is my Blog). I just don't fee like I've had a real post in a while so you probably got about 3 or 4 in one shot. Oh, and if there are any good dream doctors out there (or therapist), let me know. I keep having this disturbing dream that is really bothering me, and I'd like to know what it means or where it's coming from. It's the kind of dream that you know probably means something, unlike some of my silly dreams that probably don't mean anything.

Hope everyone has a good week!


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