
Week In Review

So, my vacation is just around the corner. In fact, I may as well say I'm on vacation now, with the amount of work I'll be doing the next couple of days (aside from Monday). I'm pretty excited. Two weeks off is going to be great! I'm picking up Ross tomorrow in San Jose. He'll be here for a week, so that should be fun too. And of course, the big party is this Friday night...another exciting thing to look forward to.

Otherwise, I really really need to learn how to keep my mouth shut (or in this case, my typing fingers tied down). I feel like, in certain situations, like I'm a little kid who has to express every emotion and feeling that I have. The weird thing is that, in general, I don't express my emotions. There are just those certain people that, love 'em or hate 'em, bring out every thought I'm having. So while I'm happy that I've gotten a lot better at expressing my opinions and feelings that I have ever been in my life, I really need to find some level of moderation and maturity about it.

So, I was talking to a friend of mine last night and how she's one of the few people who actually read my blog on a regular basis. This got us to talking about reading random people's blogs (since I mentioned it in my last post). I have a couple I read. She has a couple she reads. Both of the ones I read are annoymous blogs, which is kinda cool. It's like a soap opera or something. One of the one I read is the guy who is married and whose wife is pregnant. However they are in an open relationship and he's also bi-sexual. It makes for an interesting read, he sometimes gets very detailed. At which point, makes me embarrassed that I actually read it on a regular basis. It's basically against everything that I believe, but I think that is what intrigues me so much-just to know there are these people out there, who do these things, and are so open about it (albeit in an anymous blog). I'm not going to post the link just because it's my little secret that I don't want to share, but that is my confession I guess. I also have a couple or three others I read of people I either don't know, or aren't really acquainted with. I did find another the other day that was interesting, to which I will post the link. It's Davezilla.

Well, that's about all I got on my mind tonight. Hope everyone has a good rest of week.


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