
This is why I love Firefox

This post at adot's notblog is a perfect example of why I think Firefox is great. When was the last time Microsoft asked me what they could do to improve Internet Explorer. Hm, well, how about not crashing my computer for starters. I'm not saying that they don't have some kind of forums that asks people...they very well could, but I don't know about it (not that I care at this point). And it's not just the asking. The whole "open source" just makes sense. If I can write some code that will help everyone else, or debug something, or in this case, better the bookmarking system, I can do it and submit it (not me, cause I know nothing of the sorts, but you get my drift). What a thought, my own personalized browser, where I get to choose what features I want to install and use. Man, and I used to think Ross was a nerd. I should have known better. He's always right (haha!).


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