10 things you probably didn't know about me...
Ok, I do things differently when I'm at home. There is a side of me that most of my California people have never seen. So here are a few things you all probably never knew about me.
1. I never ever wear my seat belt when I'm in Monticello. I know, this is stupid, but I think it's just the fact that I never wore it growing up here. I wear it everywhere else in KY, just not Monticello (probably the worst drivers in the world here too).
2. I admittedly dress mildly incognito when I go to Wal-Mart. Nothing drastic. Just hats, scarfs, etc... (if it's winter) that kind of thing. And I keep to myself in there. I don't look for people. I stay on task for fear of seeing people I'd rather not (on a side note, i did see someone yesterday that was cool to see, my high school guidance counselor).
3. My accent gets pretty strong here. Contrary to popular belief, I really don't have a Kentucky accent, very mild if any. But when I'm here, after not being here for a while, it all comes out. I say things like "reckon" "fixin" (as in "i'm fixin' to get some supper"), and last night I said Library...except i said it libarie or something like that. I'm sure there are others.
4. I eat things here I'd never eat otherwise. Like the pool room cheeseburgers, dripping with grease. Now, a little grease doesn't bother me, but this is like, dripping through the bag and wring it out greasy. But man, it's soooooooo good.
5. I SLEEP!!! Yes, I'm a late sleeper here. Sleeping til 11:00...11:45am...it's so nice. Only proves my theory that I never really adjusted to West Coast time, seeing as how I never was an early riser before I moved out there.
6. I secretly hope to see this guy I had a crush on in high school (i shall not mention any names, cause who knows if he's married or whatnot).
7. I probably don't miss home as much as I say I do. I miss people, but not home so much. A couple days and I'm ready for Cali again.
8. I secretly watch the people in Wal-Mart, thinking to myself how much I would hate it if I had to live in this God forsaken place. But that is just me. Some people choose that because that is what they want. I have friends and family who wouldn't have to live here if they didn't want to, but they do, and that is what makes them happy. But yeah, it's more the other people, who you can look at, and see they aren't happy and wonder why they never left. It's kinda sad that I guess circumstances keep people here more than anything. I'm just glad I'm not one of those people.
9. I don't remember half of the people I graduated with...and I don't feel that bad about it (heck, they probably don't remember me either).
10. I'm actually glad my cell phone doesn't work here.
There may be more later, we'll see....