
Week In Review

So, my vacation is just around the corner. In fact, I may as well say I'm on vacation now, with the amount of work I'll be doing the next couple of days (aside from Monday). I'm pretty excited. Two weeks off is going to be great! I'm picking up Ross tomorrow in San Jose. He'll be here for a week, so that should be fun too. And of course, the big party is this Friday night...another exciting thing to look forward to.

Otherwise, I really really need to learn how to keep my mouth shut (or in this case, my typing fingers tied down). I feel like, in certain situations, like I'm a little kid who has to express every emotion and feeling that I have. The weird thing is that, in general, I don't express my emotions. There are just those certain people that, love 'em or hate 'em, bring out every thought I'm having. So while I'm happy that I've gotten a lot better at expressing my opinions and feelings that I have ever been in my life, I really need to find some level of moderation and maturity about it.

So, I was talking to a friend of mine last night and how she's one of the few people who actually read my blog on a regular basis. This got us to talking about reading random people's blogs (since I mentioned it in my last post). I have a couple I read. She has a couple she reads. Both of the ones I read are annoymous blogs, which is kinda cool. It's like a soap opera or something. One of the one I read is the guy who is married and whose wife is pregnant. However they are in an open relationship and he's also bi-sexual. It makes for an interesting read, he sometimes gets very detailed. At which point, makes me embarrassed that I actually read it on a regular basis. It's basically against everything that I believe, but I think that is what intrigues me so much-just to know there are these people out there, who do these things, and are so open about it (albeit in an anymous blog). I'm not going to post the link just because it's my little secret that I don't want to share, but that is my confession I guess. I also have a couple or three others I read of people I either don't know, or aren't really acquainted with. I did find another the other day that was interesting, to which I will post the link. It's Davezilla.

Well, that's about all I got on my mind tonight. Hope everyone has a good rest of week.


Why I love my friends (part 2)

Well, I had another post by this title...and this one isn't so much a "why" as just a statement that I have the most awesome friends in the world-and yes, I speak of both Kentucky and California. And, if you ever visit this site (even if you don't) I probably consider you a friend. That is unless you are some random person who gets a kick out of reading strangers' blogs (can't imagine there are people like that...haha!).

Anyway, I'm feeling all sentimental today...I think it stems from being up all night at a church lock-in (I'm still digging peanut butter out of my ears).

No More Late Fees lawsuit

It was bound to happen. Apparently Blockbuster is finally getting sued over their "no more late fees" campaign since they actually charge you for the movie after 30 days (which actually now that I see it, seems reasonable). Here's the story. N.J. to hit Blockbuster with fraud lawsuit? - Feb. 18, 2005


Which Website Are You?

You are wikipedia.org You are a know-it-all.  You are trustworthy, most of the time.  You are  versatile and useful.  You like volunteering.  You are free.
Which Website are You?


Taking care

I have felt/been so busy lately. Even when I am at home, I can't enjoy it. My time here is so little that I can't get any of the things done I need to...i.e. clean my room, so when I'm here, I can't enjoy it cause I know there are things I should be doing, but I'm just too exhausted. So I come home, watch a little TV cause I always need to chill when I first get home, check my email and go to bed for the most part. There are nights like tonight that, sure, I could be cleaning, or doing things I need to be doing and not writing a blog, but who wants to do that kind of stuff at 11:30 pm. I think my biggest problem is I get too wrapped up in work and things like that. I'm at home, and I'm thinking about all the things I need or want to be doing at work. I can't wait to go to bed, so I can get up and go back to work. Now, that'd all be great if it was because I totally loved my job (which I am quiet fond of but not enough to want to be there all the time--who is?) but I just can't seem to relax when I'm at home. I'm always thinking about work, or CASA stuff or one of my 10 million extracurricular activities (Bible Study, teen Bible study, church, music practice, my second job). I've concluded that this probably isn't healthy. But I also realize I tend to get really wrapped up in my work. I could totally see myself being a "workaholic" when I get older. I was doing it in college working part-time. I'd go on vacation and have to call the office to make sure I left all the information I needed too (as if they couldn't function without little ol' me). And that was in college! I did the same thing working at the jail. For a while, at least one of my two nights off was spent there for some part of it, whether it was just stopping by, bringing someone food, etc.... Now granted, what I do now is a little different. It's not like I'm there on Saturdays and Sundays working. I quiet enjoy my peaceful weekends (mostly because I'm exhausted usually). So yeah, all this got me to thinking that me getting all wrapped up in work and CASA or anything that could be seen as "work" whether its my actual job or not, is probably some way of me not dealing with life in general. Not that life is bad. But if I don't take time for myself, then I don't have to worry about it getting bad cause I'll be too busy to notice. I think that is what I'm afraid of. I've had a year full of turmoil this past year and now that it seems to have settled, I think I've thrown myself into too much stuff in order to avoid dealing with how I feel about all that stuff. Not that I want to quit anything I'm doing. I don't. I like everything I'm doing...I think I just need to remember that I still have to take care of myself. We talked about that in CASA training tonight, how you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of anyone else. This is not one of my strong suits (taking care of myself). I guess over the next few weeks I need to start figuring out how though before I run myself down and back into my ever consistent cycle.

Yeah, I guess that was a pretty deep blog. Deeper than normal anyway.

I'm ready to move!!

This article from Slashdot (yes, I know, i'm really turning into a nerd), is nuts! Apparently the great state of California is thinking about requiring GPS in all vehicles registered in this state to track mileage and then (as if they don't tax vehicles enough out here) charge your taxes everytime you fill up based on your mileage. Now sure, I'll agree that too many people drive gas guzzling SUVs out here, and it's all nice to try and save the environment by cutting down on the amount of cars out poluting the air, but really? If I thought for a second it was about the environment and not the money, I could maybe, just maybe hop on board for this one...but I just don't see it.


The Bean

So, I've officially turned into a nerd but anyway, this is an interesting article (as Ross would say) from /. (Slashdot for us normal people). It's about "The Bean" in Chicago, a structure in the middle of their new Millennium Park. Apparently this public park has been copyrighted and to take pictures in it is in violation of copyright laws. People taking pictures have actually been charged money by the city. Of course, this hasn't stopped anyone from taking pictures. You can see some of the pictures posted here.


Things on my mind

Today I took a personal day. I slept in, skipped church, took a couple naps, nursed my sore shoulder, talked on the phone briefly and did absolutely nothing for the most part. I did feel bad for skipping church, but only until about 12:30, when church was probably over. Didn't even watch the Super Bowl really-only the last 4 minutes, which was mildly exciting.

In other news, I've been a big fan recently of the Garden State soundtrack. I'm especially fond of the song "Blue Eyes" by the Cary Brothers. Their website is worth checking out. It's got a lot of free downloadable songs. I think the soundtrack is better than the movie actually. I liked the movie, after the initial first 15 minutes or so. I think Natalie Portman (who by the way graduated from Harvard in 2003 apparently) totally made the movie, which was written and directed (and starred) Zach Braff of the "Scrubs" fame.

I'm almost finished with my training to be a CASA (court appointed special advocate for foster children). I'm actually considering going through a bit more training to work with kids in delinquency court and not just foster care. I'm actually pretty excited about it. We get sworn in on March 4th. Initially I was like, "oh well, it'll look good on my resume," and it will, but it's not my primary motivation anymore.

I'm part way through my last Vista month of year one. You'd think, it being my last month and all, it'd be a breeze-by, slacking-off kind of month, but no way! I think February will be my busiest month yet. I don't know that it has to do with the fact that I'm still going to be around, or it just happens to be that way. Either way, I'm actually excited. I actually spent some time the past couple months regretting my decision to do a second year. I was getting bored, frustrated, etc...but I'm really happy about it now (except for when I occasionally see ads for jobs I'd love to have and would stand a good chance at--but they say patiences is a virtue). So yeah, I'm actually very excited about this coming year and happy with my work for a vast variety of reasons, which makes me feel better about my commitment. It also makes me feel like my decision to do VISTA was a good one. I think I've had a better than average experience-my decision to stay at The Salvation Army a second year probably speaks to that. I don't why that it happens that I had a great experience verus some people's who is not so great or just good in general. I think it was a God thing. He knew exactly where I needed to be and made sure I got there. Also, I think it just helps working at a place where you feel a personal connection too. Not just the organization (which I think is great), but also the people, and I've really been blessed by some of the people I've met through working there and going to church there.

Anyway, enough of my soapbox (even if it is my Blog). I just don't fee like I've had a real post in a while so you probably got about 3 or 4 in one shot. Oh, and if there are any good dream doctors out there (or therapist), let me know. I keep having this disturbing dream that is really bothering me, and I'd like to know what it means or where it's coming from. It's the kind of dream that you know probably means something, unlike some of my silly dreams that probably don't mean anything.

Hope everyone has a good week!


Groundhog Day

So, the groundhog went back in his hole. Yeah, I don't know how much more of that 40 degree winter weather I can take. haha!