
Life, in a Nutshell

Well, any BNL fans will recognize the title of this post. And if you don't know what BNL is, then don't worry about it. This blog isn't about them (hint: its a band). It's Saturday morning about 9am, which is okay, except that I've been up for an hour and a half already. I know I complain about this frequently, but I would LOVE to have one day, preferrably a Saturday, when I could physically sleep in past 10:30 am. I did have one morning I slept until 10:30 am, but I was up very late the night before (like 3 am). I just mean, on any given night, sleeping til 11 am, or even better, noon. This is fairly new to me, waking up at daylight-ish hours. New as in, only started happening when I moved to California last late January. Guess it's been over 10 months now, I should be used to it. And I guess I have accepted it, but I still don't like it. So yeah, SANTA, if you're listening or reading, that's all I want for Christmas...to sleep til noon. Just one day this year. Hopefully it won't be on Christmas morning since I'll be flying home, but the day after or Christmas Eve would work fine. Next Saturday even perhaps?

I'm also sitting here pondering over the fact that I'll be spending Christmas Eve alone for the first time in my life. And also, wake up to an empty house on Christmas morning before heading off to the airport. Which, once I accepted that fact (and realized I'd save about $300 on a plane ticket), I was okay with it. I'm not sad about it or anything (at this point), its just new to me. Christmas alone. I guess it happens to a lot of people at some point, or not. Maybe a lot of single people who are my age or older I suppose.

So, yeah, there really was no point, or meaning to this entry. Just that, this is my life, in a nutshell. Sad, isn't it? Maybe its a sign of maturity (hence, "getting old"). I mean, not sleeping til noon on weekends, spending most of a major Holiday alone (well, besides Thanksgiving, which as we all know, I don't care about anyway). It should be interesting though. I'm actually looking forward to it in a weird kind of way, as much as I may miss my family and be homesick. Being alone is good sometimes. Hey, maybe I'll go all crazy-nuts like Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone, except that I'm not 8 years old. I do probably have some crazy neighbor that supposedly killed his family though.

Well, if I don't blog before then, Merry Christmas to everyone. I plan on blogging again before then, but you never know. I might get a life between now and then :)


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