
Boring stuff.

So. I've decided I need to do more blogs. I need to get my frustrations out somewhere, and no one ever reads these things anyway. If they do, they probably already know I'm crazy, so no big deal.

Anyway, I was having this conversation with some friends about how I HATE to think about things. I like instant decisions, clear cut answers. Sure, I like to ponder as much as the next person about other people and things that don't pertain to me, but ask me a question that requires thought about me, and its all over. You'd think they just asked me to shoot my grandma or something.

So then, I was talking to another friend, and came to this correlation that when I used to think about things a lot (when I was younger), I used to write a lot more too. I could write for hours. Now, I hardly ever take the time to write and that makes it hard for me to express my thoughts. When I do express them, it's usually in writing, and I rarely take the time to read over what I read (whoever created the "send" button on email is an evil person, they should at least ask "is that your final answer" or something). So yeah, I figure, if I write more, whether it's in a journal, a blog, or just in general on my computer, maybe I'll solve all the answers to the univeral (or at least myself).


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