
Red Vs Blue

Ok, so this morning I was listening to K-Love or Air 1 radio station, not sure which one. I typically listen to them in the morning. They are Christian radio stations and are pretty good, especially Air 1 (Christian alternative station). At any rate, they were doing the news and talking about how everyone was talking about the Red states and the Blue states. Then went on to point out that New Hampshire was a Blue state, and had the highest percentage of unchurched people. Something like 52% claim to have no religious affiliation or go to church, which is well below the national average. So the DJ was just talking about the article, and how this evangelical guy from Illinois wanted to focus on converting them. Now that is fine with me. As Christians, we should be witnessing to people more. The thing that bothered me was the fact that he made an obvious political issue out of it since we all know that the "Blue States" are the democratic states. As a Democrat and a Christian, it was a slap in the face to me and prety offensive.

On that note, if we want to mix politics and religion, all those people in the "red states," the ones who claim their main issues are morality, have a higher divorce rate than the blue states according to a NY Times article. So much for the Bible Belt.


At 9:17 PM , Blogger -mf said...

True Jeffery, I agree that a Southern Democrat is different. But the thing that bothered me was just the indication that "if you are a Democrat and vote this way, then you are not a Christian." And I'm probably a little more liberal that you'd think. I hid it well during college! haha!


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