
Wastin Away Again...

in Saturdayville. Yes. Another Saturday wasted away. It did look beautiful out today, especially when all those people were planting trees in our yards. Do you (people who live in Monterey) ever wonder why there aren't any trees on Fort Ord? Probably is a reason. Why bother with more? I got my one tree in my backyard and that makes me happy enough.

And I'm happy enough to just look at the sun shining today and not be out in it. I KNOW it's cold. My house is cold, so it's gotta be colder outside. So much for sunny California. Well, actually it is sunny right now, they just don't tell you about the cold. I would move to L.A. if it wasn't for all those Doger fans.

It is a wonderful feeling to know that I had absolutely no reason to get out of bed today, and it wasn't even cause I hated life so much, as I've felt many days. It's the sheer lack of any responsibilities today. There is nothing I could do today that I can't do tomorrow. That includes cleaning, laundry, reading, making phone calls. Yep, I'm 26 and I have one complete day with no purpose. It's a beautiful thing really, considering in a few years (or decades) when I'm married and have kids I won't have days like that. I've made it almost halfway through the day without seeing anyone directly. Only talked to one person on the phone. Sent a few emails, chats, but otherwise, no outside contact (that'll probably change later today though).

Anyway, I'm just saying, my day wasn't wasted. In fact, its the days like today that make going through all the other frustrations and glitches during the week, or month, worth it.


At 5:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

...in margaritaville...

At 5:46 PM , Blogger -mf said...

Yeah, I wish.


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