
Tell me your dreams...

Yep, this is an interactive one (and a way to see if anyone reads these). Tell me either one of two things, or both.

1. What was the last interesting dream you had? (This could get interesting with some people...


2. What were your dreams in high school? I know, different kind of dreams, but I'm interested in both.

So yeah, make use of that little comment button down there. You can post with your name or annoymous, so I'll never know, nor will anyone else.

I'll post mine in the comments after some other people have. I'll have to think (and we know how hard that is for me).


At 7:41 AM , Blogger -mf said...

OK, so last night, I had a dream about a guy I know, going off to war, apparently with his twin brother that he doesn't have. But when it came time, he only took like half the people, and the two were separated. The one that wanted and was ready to go, had to stay, while the other had to go. But they were just kinda swept away, so there was this big dramatic scene where the guys, and others were holding onto each other as one of the brothers was dragged off to a war. And war as in, I'm going out to fight right now. Like leaving that roome, meant fighting right then. Pretty emotional dream. Had quiet a few lately.


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