

So I found this interesting story on the College Heights Herald, my old university newspaper (where I worked for a year). It's about this website, Pick-A-Prof.com that give the grading history of professors from different univerisities (like Western). The story is about how WKU wants to be removed from the site, but with open records laws, etc...it may be difficult. Now, I'm all for open records, open meetings laws (something WKU is NOT, but that's a different story dating back to my own Herald days), but yeah, isn't that just crazy?! Actually, I wish it had been around when I was in school, I would have used it. But since I'm older and wiser and whatever now, I think its nuts that you can actually pick what classes and professors you take based on hoping to get an easy A. Sure I did it, word of mouth was all we had, but that was only a class or two. A website dedicated to it? I'm not sure what I think about it. Any thoughts?

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username: wku1
password: melissa


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