
Happy Easter!

Had a nice sunrise service this morning...although the sun had already risen. It was a nice sun rise though, I got to see part of it when I woke up. Otherwise, I left before the regular church service this morning. I figured I never ever miss church, and usually get guilted into staying when I really don't feel like it, so today I was going to take some me time. I wasnt' feeling it this morning, so I know I probably wasn't going to get much out of the service. I'd probably have a better chance of having some good time with the Lord on my own (especially while I'm praying that Kentucky makes it to the final four today). No seriously, I love my church, but sometimes I get into this routine of doing so many "church" things, that I forget what it's all for. Thats when I need to take my time away to concentrate on it myself...just me and God...and then get back in the swing of things.

So yeah, thats my confession on this Easter Sunday, that I'm not feeling very "churchy" right now, although I am feeling a greater connection and deeper relationship with God than I ever have. I don't know if that makes sense, but that is just the way it is for me right now.


Basketball Heaven

So today I saw two of the best games of basketball I've seen in a while. The Louisville vs. West Virginia game was flat out awesome. I don't usually root for Pitino and the Cards, but I guess I'm getting a little softer toward them. I guess you can call them the "comeback cards" now (reference to the "comeback cats" from Pitino's days at Kentucky). I'm glad they made it to the final four for a couple reasons. 1. Because I picked them in my brackets and 2. Pitino is the only coach to take 3 different teams to the final four.....I think he deserves it.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: "comeback cats" was in 1998 with Tubby I now realize, however, when I made that comment, I was thinking more in terms of the 1994 game between Kentucky and LSU under Pitino, which is considered one of the greatest comebacks of all time...like 30 points in 15 minutes or something like that.]

And just when I thought basketball couldn't get any better today, I sit down to watch the Arizona vs. Illinois game. This was a game that peaked my interested cause I feel that Illinois hasn't really been challenged this season yet. I had faith in them, halfway through the game they started to let me down. In fact, I continued to be disappointed in the "almost undefeated" team this season up until the last 3 minutes. Just as I was calling my friend from Illinios to taunt and tell her that her team was disappointing me (and getting their butts kicked) they started fighting their way back. Truthfully, I wanted Illinios to win. I was hoping that by calling and taunting, I would jinx myself.....and it seemed to work. Good thing said friend wasn't home or I'd be paying for it after Illi came back 15 points in the last 3-4 minutes to force overtime and took care of business then (although it was still down to the last seconds). I got really into the game. And when I say I got into the game...I mean, when the last 8 seconds or so was on the clock, I was down on the ground (face first almost) in front of the TV screaming not to let Arizona shoot the ball. So yeah, I'm officially impressed by Illinios. I had to cheer for them because I hate Arizona (there is only room for ONE Wildcats team in the NCAA...and it's not them--or Villanova). And I had to cheer for them because I picked them to win in one of my main two brackets.

Anyway, what can I say...great games. Best games of the tourney I think (minus the W. Virginia/Wake Forest game). I hope tomorrow proves to be a good day. So far two of my final four teams have made it....hopefully UK and UNC don't let me down tomorrow.

At this point, other than Wisconsin, I don't care who wins the tourney...ideally, I'd like to see Kentucky or Illinois (cause i picked them) win, but I could deal with the other teams winning (now that I'm over my Pitino/Louisville bitterness). I'd prefer it not be UNC (don't want them catching up with us for National Titles), but I could deal with it (it's the lesser of the evils when it comes to Carolina basketball teams). I can even deal with Louisville winning, so long as they're not winning against Kentucky for the title (how horrible would that be for a Cats fan?). Mich State.....well, Tom Izzo has earned it. Wisconsin has not.

So yeah, that's my rant today...all about basketball. I guess I learned today that I've been a closet Illinois fan all season long (just can't let Franny know). In fact, a couple years or so ago, when they had a really good team, I cheered for them. I actually like the Big Ten conference for the most part. But yeah, I'm still holding out for National Championship #7 for Kentucky.


March Madness is here!

50 more minutes til the madness begins......



I think I mentioned it before, but I love this site. It is by far my favorite blog to read.



I'm sick....got the whole fluey feeling...you know, achey, fever, dizzy (don't know if that goes with it or not, but my head is spinning). At least at this point I don't have sore throat or cough or anything (well, i do have a mild weezing cough, but nothing major). Hey, at least I got sick at the END of my vacation.

Off to take some more medication and prepare my Sunday School lesson for the morning.


JDC memories

So I was chatting online with a friend of mine who I worked at the juvenile detention center (JDC) with back in Lexington, KY. She was telling me that she ran into one the kids tonight at Applebee's that was always in and out of jail. I was like, "whoa, I thought he got 25 years" (he was convicted as an adult at age 17 for Robbery 1st). So apparently for some reason he's out. At any rate, she was telling me that he was in college, getting a business degree. He has a job and was pleasantly polite to her and her husband. Even gave her a hug. Now, knowing kid--the fact that he was polite amazed me the most. He ran his mouth more than any other kid I ever remember in that jail. Not to say I didn't like him, I did in fact. He just had a smart mouth and never quit talking. I never had a problem with him personally (I didn't have problems with any of the kids really) but a lot of really good officers did have issues with him. He was very disrespectful to a lot of people was his biggest downfall.

At any rate, it's hearing things like that that make the fact that I even worked there worthwhile. I LOVED my job there. Loved it. That may come as a shock to a lot of people who have heard me gripe about it, but truth be told, I loved what I did there. What I hated was all the negativity that came with working in a jail. And the sad part is that most of the negativity came from the officers and not the kids. On the days when I could go in there, focus on just my job and taking care of the kids, and not have to deal with the BS of other people working there, I had a great time. But what can I say, it was a jail, not DisneyLand, the happiest place on earth. The kids were there for a reason (whether it was their own doing, or their circumstances). But it's always encouraging to hear that some of those kids have changed their lives. I don't know that there was one kid that I ever got to know in there that I didn't see some kind of potential in. Now, I may be blocking out some of the bad ones, but I pretty much remember those too, some even more vividly--especially the ones we had to restraint, pepper spray or had altercations with.

Anyway, just knowing that hopefully something I did, or someone else did, can help a misguided youth turn their life around is an awesome thing. Now, this kid in particular, I doubt that I had any impact on him other than maybe just giving him some respect that I in turn got back from him. But I know that if he can do something with his life, then any of the rest of them can. I always think its cool when Ms. Rogers (former jail co-worker) tells me that she saw one of the kids, either in jail or on the street, and they asked about me. That encourages me that my two years-ish there wasn't a total waste of time (which I totally felt like when I did eventually quit).


What kind of kiss are you?

Take the quiz: "What Kinda Kiss R U?"

Playful Kiss
The playful kiss is about you having fun and not needing to have feelings for that person. You just go with the flow!

Taking this quiz, I didn't expect to get this response. Part of it I guess, but the "going with the flow" and "not needing to have feelings". I think I answered the questions rather conservatively and yet still, get this response. Not that I'm saying it's wrong or anything, just confirms what everyone tells me about myself *sigh*

What a Wonderful Year (End of service song for VISTA)

What a Wonderful Year
(by Melissa, Kris, and Sarah D.)

I see dunes of sand…the ocean too
I hear waves crash….for me and you
And I think to myself…what a wonderful Fort.

I see foggy skies…and hungry coons
Mountain lion, foxes …and Najla’s moon
And I think to myself…what did I get into?

Seaside and Salinas, shootings in the street
Dead bodies on the fort, which I hope I never meet
The Captain at the Brit …and the Mucky Duck too
Sucking my toes…saying I LOVE YOU!

We hear Vistas knock…(Melissa): I say GO AWAY!
They still come in…(Kris): I say just to stay
And I think to myself…what wonderful friends

(Melissa): So many post-its, oh so little time
(Kris): No heat in the building, it’s gotta be a crime
Marilyn and Franny, thanks for a great year
We’ve learned a lot, and have memories full of cheer

The picture of Bart…hangs proudly on the wall
It’ll be very sad…to say goodbye to you all
And I think to myself…I’m glad I came here.
Yes I think to myself…what a wonderful year.


the muckrakers

You guys should check out this band called the muckrakers. They're from Western Kentucky University and was just starting out while I was there. I actually know one of the guys semi-well....not friends, but more acquaintances (he worked in my dorm, had some classes with him, he dated my suitemate Tami, etc...). They're a great local band that is looking like they're only getting bigger each time I check up on them. Their 3rd album is coming out soon. At any rate, check out their website. You can hear one of their new songs on the top of the page "Cigarettes & Magazines" and you can listen to some of their other songs in the music section. If anyone is interested in hearing more, I have some of their songs on CD. I had both of their previously released CDs but they were stolen along with my car in Vegas, so I just have what I had put on a mix CD.

If you want to hear some great songs, I recommend (of the ones you can hear) "Working my way" "through my door" and "Happy Inn" (I like it cause it talks about WKU). Happy Inn was a chinese resturant right next to campus that they used to play at a lot. They had great food too and delivered. They'd call from downstairs and say "happy inn your lobby" heh. Lots of people got happy in our lobby come to think of it, but that a different story (ah those Campus Crusade couples) :)


Asilomar/Lover's Point

Asilomar/Lover's Point Pictures

Dead sea lion at Asilomar

Stir Crazy

So, I'm on vacation for another week and I just don't know what to do with myself. I've managed to keep myself fairly busy this morning and have some things lined up for tomorrow maybe, but after that, I'm all out of ideas. I hate the idea of not doing anything, or not having anything to do moreso. I actually like not doing anything for the most part.

So yeah, I think this afternoon I'm gonna try and go get some good sunset pictures at Asilomar and then maybe get up in the morning and do the sunrise pictures somewhere.

I did teach myself a few more chords on the guitar last night, so now I'm up to 5-7, somewhere in that range. Still not good on the transitioning of my hands though

Had a good time at Youth Councils this past weekend. There are some pics up on the corps website.


Kris's Party photos

Kris's party photos

There are also pictures from our end of service in this same albumn, just look around.

Weird Stuff

Fort Ord at night.

I was out taking pictures tonight of our lovely abandoned fort and got all these weird things on my pictures, which are called orbs. I know this cause I used to watch a lot of paranormal type tv shows on the travel channel and just have a general fascination with that type of stuff. However, mostly I thought those people doctored their pictures. Well, I'm here to tell you that mine aren't doctored. I took them less than and hour ago actually and people actually saw the weird spots while they were still on my camera. Anyway, makes you wonder what's going on out there at night while we sleep. Maybe I'll do some more research on these orbs and get back to you.

Fort Pictures



Check out the Videos from the party and our end of service song. There will be pictures on Ross's website at some point too. I didn't take any on my camera.


Party Pictures

I'll have a link to pictures from Friday's party up soon and also Kris and my End of Service.

Alcatraz Picutres

2-27-05 Alcatraz


High Court Ends Death Penalty for Juveniles

This is an interesting article, something I've felt strongly about for a couple years now, so I'm happy about the decision. Here is the article.