Happy Easter!
Had a nice sunrise service this morning...although the sun had already risen. It was a nice sun rise though, I got to see part of it when I woke up. Otherwise, I left before the regular church service this morning. I figured I never ever miss church, and usually get guilted into staying when I really don't feel like it, so today I was going to take some me time. I wasnt' feeling it this morning, so I know I probably wasn't going to get much out of the service. I'd probably have a better chance of having some good time with the Lord on my own (especially while I'm praying that Kentucky makes it to the final four today). No seriously, I love my church, but sometimes I get into this routine of doing so many "church" things, that I forget what it's all for. Thats when I need to take my time away to concentrate on it myself...just me and God...and then get back in the swing of things.
So yeah, thats my confession on this Easter Sunday, that I'm not feeling very "churchy" right now, although I am feeling a greater connection and deeper relationship with God than I ever have. I don't know if that makes sense, but that is just the way it is for me right now.