
SBC Park-Home of the San Francisco Giants

They Call Me Mellow Yellow

I woke up rather early this morning. I'm not sure why. I went to bed fairly late. At any rate, at like 6:30 am this morning, before my alarm was set for, I was wide awake. Its looking yucky out this morning too. Of course, it Marina, it usually does. It could very well turn into a beautiful day.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, I have absolutely nothing of importance to say in this post. I just feel like blogging this morning because I haven't in a few days. I'm in a rather strange mood today, as I was yesterday. But its somewhat different. Yesterday I was usually happy and upbeat, even when I shouldn't have been probably. And I was happy about the fact that I was in a good mood and was feeling good, even though I shouldn't have been. Today, I'm not feeling as upbeat so much as just a feeling of contentment. Its like, "this is my reality and i'm okay with that." I'm sometimes a fairly content person, but today is just eerily different. And a little scary for me. I don't know if its that I'm actually okay with life as it is, or if I'm just not dealing with life as it is. Not that there is even anything to really deal with. Like I said, things are good. I'm content and happy. I'm just feeling mellow today. Thats it. It just now hit me as I hear my roomate playing the Garden State soundtrack in the background. Its a really mellow soundtrack. It's really good, just not the "make you want to get up and dance" kind of music.

So yeah, theme for today: Mellow Yellow


Feeling Unsafe Right Now

So, it's almost 3am (yeah, I know what you're thinking Jeff). Anyway, I'm a bit freaked out right now. I've been wide awake for a couple hours now, ever since Sam the cat woke me up by knocking something in the living room over.

So, about 20 or so minutes ago, I roll over and kick Sam. He gets up, stands on the bed for a while instead of laying back down. He looks like he sees something out the window, but I think nothing of it...until a few minutes later I see a shadow or someone go past my window. No, I wasn't half asleep. I'm definitely wide awake, and someone or something definitely went past the window. Sam is definitely watching it.

I lay in bed a bit longer, listening to see if anyone comes to the door (hoping perhaps is the next door neighbor), but all the while, planning my "grab the cell phone, hide in the shower." But luckily I don't hear anything else. So I lay there about 10 minutes, wishing I had a baseball bat (or something along the lines). Finally I get up cause I'm definitely not going to be able to sleep now. I look out the window of the living room, and I see some random guy out walking his dog. First I was relieved, but then I realized the shadow I saw had to be someone at least in my yard, if not near the window. This guy was coming the opposite direction on the other side of the street. But who the heck walks their friggin' dog at 3 AM! So then this guy, crosses the street to my side, goes INTO my neighbors yard, steals one of their newspapers (they always have like 5 there), meddles around for a while, and then continues his walk.

Ok, so best case scenario, this crazy 3AM dog walking guy decided to take a trek through our yard, and then cross the street and come back up the other way, stealing the paper while he was at it. Worst case scenario, this crazy 3 AM dog walking guy (or someone else) is a huge freak and was outside my window for who knows WHAT reason!

Not feeling so safe to go to sleep right now, which sucks cause I have an extremely busy day tomorrow. I guess I'll go make sure the doors are double locked, find a blunt weapon and try to get some sleep.

ADDITION 9:05 am: Of course, after I went to bed, I dreamt about people getting murdered here at work...haha. Not people from work, just happened here.


San Francisco Giants game

I went Tuesday night to a Giants baseball game with my friends Sarah and Kris. It was a lot of fun. It was perfect weather for a night game. It never even got chilly, which is saying a lot being on right on the bay. Oh, and the Giants beat the Dodgers, so that made it all the better, the reason we went even. It was a good game, not boring, not a blow out. Just a well played game. Giants pitcher Jason Schmidt even hit a homerun!

Some pictures of our adventure are posted here.

Darkness Falls for the Dodgers

Game Gear

Giants vs. Dodgers


Another controversy

Another controversial topic. My friend Jeff posted this. It's about the CFO of Pepsi likening the U.S. to the middle finger. It's got some excerpts from the speech in it. I made some comments on the page, and you can read Jeff's. Of course, we have different opinions..haha!


Stem Cell Legislation

I wanted to get anyone's opinion on this story. Apparently President Bush said he would Veto stem cell research legislation. I figured I haven't posed about anything controversial in a while, so I thought this was a good one, especially as I read the article and was just in amazement at how much tunnel vision he (Bush) seems to have.

He said, "I made it very clear to the Congress that the use of federal money, taxpayers' money, to promote science which destroys life in order to save life -- I'm against that." Makes sense. I mean, why would anyone (especially the former Governor of Texas-the death penalty capital) want to destroy a life. What I don't get though is this: If the life (or embryonic cell) is going to be destroyed or not used anyway, why NOT use it to save a life. Take abortion for instance. I think we all agree it's not the best thing in the world, whether we are for it or against it. But like it or not, it is legal. So what's better? Thowing away an embryonic cell from an abortion or using it to help find a cure for diseases such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's. I mean, you may as well try to turn a negative into some kind of good.

Now, I'm not saying we need to go and and create these cells, but why not allow for federal funding to research this further and use what is there not being use, and not going to be used. I mean, we all know the federal government funds a whole lot more unimportant things.

This is one of those issues I've never really questioned how I felt about it. Yes, it differs from a lot of my more conservative friends (although I wouldn't call myself all that liberal, I'm more of an indivual issue type person). Yes, cloning would be bad, but we all know people are going to try and do it anyway. People who probably wouldn't get or want federal funding anyway. I don't think limited funding for this is going to make those people who want to mess with nature stop what they are doing. So why not fund something so that people can show the good in it instead of always focusing on the negative?



Cannery Row


Internet Killed the Video Star

Here is a funny flash video. Internet Killed the Video Star. Enjoy! (Thanks Jeff)


Maya Angelou

"I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one."

Heh, no truer words were ever spoken about me...well, except I haven't fully learned this, but I'm getting there.


Two Minutes

A lot can happen in two minutes.

Unless you've been in a bunker, you probably know that the 131st Kentucky Derby was this past weekend. Its often referred to as "the most exciting two minutes in sports." I think I would agree with that. What you may not know (but should know) about this year's Derby was that the 50-1 longshot Giacomo was the winner. You can read all about it here. So in two minutes, a looked over horse became a superstar and I'm sure a legend in his own time. Nevermind that fact that a few people made a lot of money. There was a "North American record $864,253.50 superfecta payout for the seven $1 tickets" the article says.

Dreams can also end in two minutes, or lives in this case. Western Kentucky University basketball player Danny Rumph died suddenly from a heart attack this past weekend playing a pick-up basketball game in Philly, where he is from. He was only 21. You can read more about that here.

I know there have been many "two minutes" in my life that threw me for a loop, both good and bad. A two minute phone call landed me in California. Two minutes spent talking to people have turned into years of friendships, as well as two minute conversations that have ended friendships. Even the two minutes we go out of our way just to do something nice for someone. We never know how those little things can make their day.

It makes me wonder what the next "two minutes" will bring.


Who's reading?

Just curious. I've been looking over my stat counter (yes, I have a fascination with this) and I've gotten a lot more hits lately due to the post about Firefox's 50 Million downloads. So yeah, lots of people have been reading lately, and I've been looking at the visit path, etc...so I was just curious as to who actually reads this, especially if its someone I don't know. Cause thats actually cool to me when people I don't know actually reads my blog on occasion. I do it with other people's blogs, so I'd take it as a complement. So yeah, if you read and you don't really know me personally, let me know. Hey, you can even comment annoymously if you like.


This cool site from FilmWise, has a game where you look at movie stills, minus the body (just clothes, etc...) and guess the movie. Harder than it may seem.


Brownies, anyone?

Yeah, I know, three post in one day. What can I say, I had a sick day, or half a sick day. I worked a bit of the morning. So I was feeling well enough to do thing, but still probably contagious and needing rest, so I was kicked out of the office. Seriously.

So yeah, I was sitting here last night, thinking how I missed my friends Josh & Jessica, cause they've been on vacation for about a week and a half. So tonight, I think I realized why I missed them (other than, they're cool people). I was commenting on how I talked to my mom and granny a couple times the past few days, which is more than normal, and attributed it to the fact that I was sick. This is important because, when I'm sick, like really sick, I like to be babied. My mom and granny does that for me. Yes, even from Kentucky. In fact, I thought about calling at 2am Monday morning, before realizing it was just 4am there, cause I was sick and wanted to moan about it. I didn't call then...I waited till 6am (8am their time), but still now answer. So I called an hour later on my way to the doctor.

Anyway, all that to say, I like being babied when I'm sick. So I think that fact that I'm sick, makes me miss having Jessica around, cause out here, with no family, etc...Jessica is the person who takes care of me when I'm sick. She makes me brownies, gives me medicine, lets me come to her house to sleep while I'm working. Heck, she even came and got me from my house one morning, took me to her house to I could sleep and get better there, while she could take care of me. So yeah, with them not being here, I've been on my own for the most part. My roommate, Alisha, did cook me dinner and bring me some O.J. last night, which was very nice of her. And people have in general been nicer to me, but it's the being babied that I miss.

Not to say I don't miss J & J because their just awesome people, cause their not (haha, just kidding). I think I just miss them more (or at least Jessica's brownies) right now cause I'm sick (or was sick).


So I found this interesting story on the College Heights Herald, my old university newspaper (where I worked for a year). It's about this website, Pick-A-Prof.com that give the grading history of professors from different univerisities (like Western). The story is about how WKU wants to be removed from the site, but with open records laws, etc...it may be difficult. Now, I'm all for open records, open meetings laws (something WKU is NOT, but that's a different story dating back to my own Herald days), but yeah, isn't that just crazy?! Actually, I wish it had been around when I was in school, I would have used it. But since I'm older and wiser and whatever now, I think its nuts that you can actually pick what classes and professors you take based on hoping to get an easy A. Sure I did it, word of mouth was all we had, but that was only a class or two. A website dedicated to it? I'm not sure what I think about it. Any thoughts?

You may need an account to read the story. Here's a generic one:

username: wku1
password: melissa

the Pink Spiders

So I've been listening to this band today called the Pink Spiders. I really like their sound a lot. Of course, I am a little biased seeing as how the bass player is the little brother of one of my best friends, Kelly (who thinks he's all grown up and gets to go by Mickeal now..haha!). Anyway, the kid is Jon Decious. He's the on standing on the left if you look at the website. Music seems to be compared to The Ramones, The Cars, that type stuff. I can see the resemblance. Doesn't matter much to me though, I like it pretty well. Oh and they just signed with Geffen Records and will be opening for Weezer in the fall I think. If you are interested in hearing some of it, there are some samples on Purevolume.com, or just email me.


Extreme Servanthood

This article is really good. Talks about this couple in San Francisco who started a church for homeless people on a school bus. Taking Jesus to the people, not waiting for them to come to you. It's pretty cool and pretty selfless I think. Extreme Servanthood.